A midwestern music competition awarded 38 ribbons. The number of blue ribbons awarded was 3 less than the number of white ribbons. The number of red ribbons was 2 more than the number of white ribbons. How many of each kind of ribbon was awarded?

w+(w-3)+(w+2)= 38

Solve this equation to get the number of white ribbons then plug in that number to solve for the rest of the ribbons

first you add one to both sides

+1 +1

then you divide both sides by 3
/3 /3

then when you get your answer...

go back and plug in 13 in every w.Remember to follow the order of operations



Let's denote the number of white ribbons as 'W'.

According to the given information, the number of blue ribbons awarded was 3 less than the number of white ribbons, which means the number of blue ribbons is (W - 3).

The number of red ribbons was 2 more than the number of white ribbons, which means the number of red ribbons is (W + 2).

We know that the total number of ribbons awarded is 38.

So, we can write the equation:
W + (W - 3) + (W + 2) = 38

Now, let's solve this equation to find the value of W.

Combining like terms:
3W - 1 = 38

Adding 1 to both sides:
3W = 39

Dividing both sides by 3:
W = 13

Now, we know that the number of white ribbons is 13.

Substituting the value of W back into our expressions for blue and red ribbons:

Number of blue ribbons = (W - 3) = (13 - 3) = 10

Number of red ribbons = (W + 2) = (13 + 2) = 15

Therefore, there were 13 white ribbons, 10 blue ribbons, and 15 red ribbons awarded.

To solve this problem, we need to set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's assign variables to the unknowns:
Let's say the number of white ribbons awarded is x
The number of blue ribbons awarded would then be x - 3 (since it's 3 less than the number of white ribbons)
And the number of red ribbons awarded would be x + 2 (since it's 2 more than the number of white ribbons)

According to the problem, the total number of ribbons awarded is 38. Therefore, we can write the equation:

x + (x - 3) + (x + 2) = 38

Now, let's solve for x:

3x - 1 = 38
3x = 38 + 1
3x = 39
x = 39 / 3
x = 13

So, the number of white ribbons awarded is 13.
The number of blue ribbons awarded would be x - 3 = 13 - 3 = 10.
The number of red ribbons awarded would be x + 2 = 13 + 2 = 15.

Therefore, there were 13 white ribbons, 10 blue ribbons, and 15 red ribbons awarded in the competition.