Find the derivative of 10x^2+4y^2=sqrt(7).

Is the answer 20x+8y=0



I don't think you understand what a derivative is.

Please look in your text or classnotes to learn how to do implicit derivatives.

To find the derivative of the given equation, we need to differentiate each term separately with respect to the appropriate variable, treating the other variables as constants.

Let's differentiate the equation term by term:

1) Differentiating 10x^2 with respect to x:
The derivative of 10x^2 with respect to x is 20x.

2) Differentiating 4y^2 with respect to y:
The derivative of 4y^2 with respect to y is 8y.

3) Differentiating sqrt(7) with respect to any variable yields 0 since it is a constant.

Therefore, the derivative of the equation 10x^2 + 4y^2 = sqrt(7) is:
20x + 8y = 0.

So, your answer is correct: 20x + 8y = 0.