name 4 nouns that describe president george washington and 3 verbs that tell how he acted of felt.and 2 adjectives that describe his last name.

That is an interesting assignment. I will enjoy seeing what you choose. Please repost. Then one of the teachers will be able to maybe add to your choices.

To answer your question, here are four nouns that describe President George Washington:

1. Leader: As the first President of the United States, George Washington was a prominent and influential leader who played a crucial role in shaping the new nation.
2. General: Before becoming President, Washington served as a general during the American Revolutionary War, leading the Continental Army to victory against the British.
3. Statesman: Washington was recognized as a skilled statesman and diplomat, working to establish and strengthen diplomatic relations both domestically and internationally.
4. Founding Father: George Washington is often referred to as one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, emphasizing his significant involvement in the creation and development of the country.

Now, let's move on to three verbs that describe how he acted or felt:

1. Served: George Washington dedicated his life to serving his country, both as a military officer and as the first President of the United States.
2. Sacrificed: Throughout his career, Washington made many personal sacrifices for the betterment of his country, including enduring hardships during the American Revolutionary War.
3. Exemplified: Washington exemplified many admirable qualities such as integrity, moral leadership, and dedication to democratic principles.

Next, let's consider two adjectives that describe his last name, "Washington":

1. Iconic: The name "Washington" is iconic, representing a historical and enduring symbol of the United States, mainly due to George Washington's immense contributions to the nation.
2. Respected: The last name "Washington" evokes respect, given its association with the first President and the legacy he left behind.

Remember, this explanation provides the answers you seek, but it's always helpful to research further and gather more details on President George Washington to deepen your understanding.