i need help

it says a shopper in a supermarket pushes a cart with a force of 36N directed at an angle of 26 degrees downward from the horizontal. Find the work done by the shopper on the cart as the shopper moves along a 50.6m length aisle. answer in units of J

ok so i did


im i doing this right.
im not sure

right, except I wouldn't go more than two digits, that is all the precision you had on the initial force.

Yes, you are on the right track, but there is a slight mistake in your calculation. Let me help you correct it.

To find the work done by the shopper on the cart, you correctly use the formula:

W = F * d * cosθ

W is the work done (in joules, J)
F is the force applied by the shopper (in newtons, N)
d is the displacement (in meters, m)
θ is the angle between the force and displacement vectors

In this case, the force applied by the shopper is 36 N, the displacement is 50.6 m, and the angle is 26 degrees (downward from the horizontal).

Now, let's calculate the work done:

W = 36 N * 50.6 m * cos(26 degrees)

First, convert the angle from degrees to radians by multiplying it by π/180:

W = 36 N * 50.6 m * cos(26 * π/180)

Now, evaluate the cosine function:

W = 36 N * 50.6 m * cos(0.453)

Finally, multiply all the values together to find the work done:

W ≈ 1173 J

So, the correct answer for the work done by the shopper on the cart along the aisle is approximately 1173 joules (J).

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.