Is too much salt considered salty, or salty and sour?


In my opinion too much salt is salty. Others may have a different opinion.

so theres no fact to this question? The answer is going to be based on opinions?

OK thanks i got it :] -MC

That's right. Taste is an opinion. Sour to one person may not be sour to another.

To determine whether too much salt is considered salty or salty and sour, we need to understand the basic taste of salt and how it affects our senses. Saltiness is one of the five basic tastes that our taste buds can detect, along with sweetness, sourness, bitterness, and umami (savory). Salt is primarily known for enhancing the flavor of food by adding a savory taste.

When we consume a moderate amount of salt, it primarily tastes salty. However, when we exceed the recommended intake or consume an excessive amount of salt, it can alter our perception of taste. Consuming too much salt can cause an imbalance in our taste buds, leading to a combination of salty and sour taste sensations.

The sourness can be attributed to the fact that an excessive intake of salt can activate sour taste receptors on the tongue. This interaction can create a tart or sour taste perception alongside the predominant saltiness.

So, to answer your question, if you consume an excessive amount of salt, it can be considered both salty and sour. However, it's important to note that everyone's perception may vary, and individual taste sensitivity can also play a role.