Hockey teams receive 2 points when they win and 1 point when they tie. One season, a team won a championship with 60 points. They won 9 more games than they tied.

How many wins did the team have? 23
How many ties did the team have? 14

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The team's win-lost ratio was 3 to 2. The team played 20 games without a tie. How many games did the team win/

To determine how many wins and ties the team had, we can use a system of equations.

Let's assume the number of wins is represented by w and the number of ties is represented by t.

According to the given information, a team receives 2 points for a win and 1 point for a tie. We also know that the team won a championship with 60 points. Therefore, we can create the equation:

2w + t = 60 (equation 1)

We're also given that the team won 9 more games than they tied. This can be represented by another equation:

w = t + 9 (equation 2)

Now we can solve these equations simultaneously to find the values of w (wins) and t (ties).

Substituting equation 2 into equation 1:

2(t + 9) + t = 60
2t + 18 + t = 60
3t + 18 = 60
3t = 60 - 18
3t = 42
t = 42 / 3
t = 14

Substituting the value of t back into equation 2:

w = 14 + 9
w = 23

Therefore, the team had 23 wins and 14 ties.