has characterization, conflict or theme been used in any of these sentences?

1. Look-what about the woman across the street? If her testimony don't prove it, then nothing does.

2. Gentlemen, they did take us out of the woman's room and we looked through the window of a passing el train- (to eight)- didn't we?

3. It's that one juror that's holding out, but he'll come around. He's got to and fundamentally, he's a very reasonable man.

Yes, there is definitely at least one of those in those sentences. Please post what you think and we will be glad to make suggestions if needed.

i think there is characterization in the first two. But i am not sure about the third one. Please can u help me!

Look for conflict...The first one is talking about a jury decision. There is a conflict between the members of the jury.

There is no conflict in #2, however there is a lot of conflict in #3. Can you find it?

Yes, characterization, conflict, and theme can be observed in these sentences.

1. Characterization: The mention of the woman across the street suggests the presence of a character who may be significant to the story.
Conflict: The statement implies a conflict, as there is a need for the woman's testimony to prove something.
Theme: The sentence indirectly addresses the theme of seeking and valuing evidence and proof.

2. Characterization: The use of the word "gentlemen" identifies a group of male characters in the scene.
Conflict: The mention of being taken out of the woman's room and looking through the window of a passing train implies a conflict or disagreement between the characters involved.
Theme: The sentence relates to the theme of observation, as the characters are discussing what they saw.

3. Characterization: The mention of a specific juror suggests the presence of a character who is holding out and may be a central figure in the story.
Conflict: The statement indicates a disagreement or conflict among the jurors, as they discuss the one juror who is holding out.
Theme: The sentence touches upon the theme of persuasion and the belief that people can change their opinions.