what is the prefix for the following words:

equal, same as
absence of, without

Also need some suffix help:

cut into, make an incision (suffix)
excessive or abnormal increase in (suffix)
swelling or tumor (suffix)

This is homework and I need some help Thank You!!


To get you started:
three = tri
equal = equi
absence of = a or ab

Some of the sites in the search results above will help you further.

Sure! I'd be happy to help you with your homework.

Prefixes come at the beginning of a word and can change the meaning of the word. Here are the prefixes for the words you mentioned:

- For "three": the prefix is "tri-". So, you can have words like "tricycle" or "triathlon" where "tri-" means "three".
- For "equal, same as": the prefix is "equi-". So, you can have words like "equilateral" or "equilibrium" where "equi-" means "equal" or "same as".
- For "absence of, without": the prefix is "a-". So, you can have words like "amoral" or "asymmetrical" where "a-" means "absence of" or "without".

Now, let's move on to the suffixes. Suffixes come at the end of a word and can also change its meaning. Here are the suffixes for the words you mentioned:

- For "cut into, make an incision": the suffix is "-otomy". So, using this suffix, you can have words like "appendectomy" or "lobotomy" where "-otomy" means "cut into" or "make an incision".
- For "excessive or abnormal increase in": the suffix is "-osis". So, you can have words like "hypertension" or "thrombosis" where "-osis" means "excessive or abnormal increase in".
- For "swelling or tumor": the suffix is "-oma". So, you can have words like "lymphoma" or "sarcoma" where "-oma" means "swelling or tumor".

Remember to always look up the words in a reliable dictionary or consult your textbook for more examples and variations. Good luck with your homework!