1.What would happen to poisonous chlorine gas if

protons were added
neutrons were added

2. Boron is 80.20% boron -11 (atomic mass = 11.01 amu) and 19.80% of some isotope form of boron. What must the stomic mass of this second isotope be in order to account for the 10.81 amu average atomic mass of boron.?

3. For hundreds of years alchemist researched ways to turn various metals into gold. How would the structure of an atom 80(exponent 202)Hg (mercury) have to be changed for the atom to become an atom of 79 (exponent 197) Au (gold)

thank you for helping. I really don't know what to do.

1. very silly question. Neither protons nor neutrons cannot be added to Cl2, and least in the history of mankind.


avgmass=11.01*.8020 + (1-.8020)Z
solve for z, you are given avgmass.

3. If mercury lost one proton, and 4 neutrons from its nucleus, it would be Au-197

1. If protons were added to chlorine gas (Cl2), it would result in the formation of a new element. As chlorine gas consists of two chlorine atoms with 17 protons each, adding additional protons would change its atomic number and chemical properties. The resulting element would be different from chlorine.

If neutrons were added to chlorine gas, it would form an isotope of chlorine. Chlorine has two stable isotopes, chlorine-35 (atomic mass = 34.97 amu) and chlorine-37 (atomic mass = 36.97 amu). Adding neutrons would create different isotopes of chlorine with higher atomic masses but similar chemical properties.

2. To calculate the atomic mass of the second isotope of boron (let's call it boron-x), we can set up an equation using the given percentages and atomic masses:

(0.8020 * 11.01 amu) + (0.1980 * atomic mass of boron-x) = 10.81 amu

Simplifying the equation:

8.8202 amu + 0.1980 * atomic mass of boron-x = 10.81 amu

0.1980 * atomic mass of boron-x = 10.81 amu - 8.8202 amu

0.1980 * atomic mass of boron-x = 1.9898 amu

atomic mass of boron-x = 1.9898 amu / 0.1980

atomic mass of boron-x = 10.05 amu

Therefore, the atomic mass of the second isotope of boron must be approximately 10.05 amu to account for the average atomic mass of boron.

3. To turn a mercury atom (Hg) with an atomic number of 80 and mass number of 202 into a gold atom (Au) with an atomic number of 79 and mass number of 197, we need to change the number of protons and neutrons.

To transform mercury into gold, we would have to remove one proton, reducing the atomic number from 80 to 79. This would change its identity from mercury to gold. Additionally, we would need to remove five neutrons, reducing the mass number from 202 to 197, to match the mass number of gold.

Overall, the changes required would be:
- Reduce the atomic number (protons) from 80 to 79
- Reduce the mass number (neutrons + protons) from 202 to 197

1. If protons were added to chlorine gas, it would no longer be chlorine gas. Chlorine gas, denoted as Cl2, consists of molecules made up of two chlorine atoms bonded together. The number of protons determines the element, so if protons were added, it would change the identity of the gas to a different element.

2. In order to determine the atomic mass of the second isotope of boron, we can set up an equation using the given percentages. Let's call the atomic mass of the second isotope x:

(80.20%)(11.01 amu) + (19.80%)(x amu) = 10.81 amu

Simplifying the equation, we have:

(0.802)(11.01) + (0.198)(x) = 10.81

Solving for x, we get:

0.802(11.01) + 0.198x = 10.81
8.83202 + 0.198x = 10.81
0.198x = 10.81 - 8.83202
0.198x = 1.97798
x = 1.97798 / 0.198

Therefore, the atomic mass of the second isotope of boron must be approximately 9.991 amu to account for the average atomic mass of boron being 10.81 amu.

3. To change a mercury atom (80^202Hg) into a gold atom (79^197Au), we need to alter the number of protons and/or neutrons. The atomic number (the number of protons) determines the element, so we need to decrease the number of protons by one. Additionally, we need to change the number of neutrons to match the desired isotope of gold (Au-197).

To change 80^202Hg to 79^197Au, we would need to remove one proton from the nucleus, resulting in 79 protons. We would also need to subtract five neutrons from the nucleus to match the atomic mass of gold-197.

Therefore, the structure of the atom 80^202Hg would have to be changed by removing one proton and five neutrons to become an atom of 79^197Au.