In this sentence

Plenty of silicon is found on Earth.
I'm not sure if the simple predicate is is or is found.

the simple predicate is is

is found is the complete

Sorry -- this time Anonymous is incorrect this time.

The simple predicate in this sentence is "is found" -- a form of the verb "to find."

In the sentence "Plenty of silicon is found on Earth," the simple predicate is "is found." The simple predicate is the main verb or verb phrase that expresses the action or state of the subject. In this case, "is found" is a verb phrase that expresses the state of finding silicon on Earth.

To identify the simple predicate, you can follow these steps:

1. Find the subject of the sentence. In this case, the subject is "Plenty of silicon."

2. Identify the verb or verb phrase that describes the action or state of the subject. In this sentence, the verb phrase is "is found."

By breaking down the sentence and focusing on the subject and its associated verb or verb phrase, you can determine the simple predicate.