how are character sketches supposed to go?

i think i am doing this wrong

I hope that these sites will help you get on track for writing a character sketch.

Tom is central character of the storu monday moring


Creating character sketches can be a fun and helpful way to develop well-rounded and interesting characters for your writing or other creative projects. Here are some steps to guide you in creating effective character sketches:

1. Start with the basics: Begin by thinking about the character's essential details such as their name, age, gender, and physical appearance. Consider their ethnicity, height, weight, hair color, and any distinguishing features.

2. Personal background: Develop the character's backstory by considering their upbringing, family, and cultural background. Think about their education, social status, and any significant events or experiences that have shaped them.

3. Personality traits: Explore the character's personality by focusing on their strengths, weaknesses, and quirks. Think about their values, beliefs, motivations, fears, and desires. Consider how these traits might influence their behavior and interactions with others.

4. Inner life and emotions: Dive deeper into the character's inner world by exploring their thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Consider how they express and handle their emotions, as well as any hidden or conflicting emotions they may have.

5. Relationships and connections: Consider the character's relationships with other characters, whether they are family, friends, or romantic partners. Think about how these relationships influence their actions and impact their growth throughout the story.

6. Goals and desires: Identify the character's goals, dreams, and ambitions. What do they want to achieve or overcome? How do these desires drive their actions and shape their journey?

7. Motivations and conflicts: Consider the character's motivations and internal conflicts. What drives them forward, and what obstacles or conflicts do they face? Think about how these factors create tension and dynamics within the character.

8. Visual representation: If you're visually inclined, you can also create a visual representation of your character by sketching or finding reference images that capture their appearance and style.

Remember, character sketches are tools to help you understand and develop your characters. Feel free to adapt these steps to suit your writing style and needs. Experimentation and revision are key parts of the creative process, so don't be afraid to make changes as you go along.