Express using radical notation: sqrt(6ab)^4/3

To express sqrt(6ab)^(4/3) using radical notation, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the expression inside the radical.
Since we have (sqrt(6ab)) raised to the power of 4/3, we can simplify it by raising the radicand (6ab) to the power of 4 and then taking the cube root afterwards.
(sqrt(6ab))^4 = (6ab)^2 = 36a^2b^2

Step 2: Write the simplified expression in radical notation.
We can write the expression 36a^2b^2 in radical notation as sqrt(36a^2b^2).

However, we can simplify it further.
sqrt(36) = 6 and sqrt(a^2) = a, as the square root of a squared value is the value itself.
Therefore, the expression can be simplified to 6ab.

Final Answer: sqrt(6ab)^(4/3) = 6ab