I am kinda stuck on this one

Simplify: ^5sqrt x^7 y^4

I don't know what to do for this problem. I am lost with what to do with the exponents when you have a number on the outside.

I think you mean to the 1/5 power

Yes, it is

(x^7 y^4)1/5

To simplify the expression ^5√(x^7 * y^4), we need to apply the properties of exponents and the rules of radicals.

Step 1: Rewrite the expression using fractional exponents.
^5√(x^7 * y^4) = (x^7 * y^4)^(1/5)

Step 2: Apply the property of exponents (a^m * a^n = a^(m + n)).
(x^7 * y^4)^(1/5) = x^(7/5 + 4/5)

Step 3: Simplify the exponents.
x^(7/5 + 4/5) = x^(11/5)

So, the simplified expression is x^(11/5).