Simplify: square root of 25a^2 I have the answer as 5a is that right?

correct, or it could be -5a .

Yes, you are correct! The simplified form of the square root of 25a^2 is 5a.

Yes, you are correct! The simplified form of the square root of 25a^2 is indeed 5a.

To explain how we arrive at that answer, let's start by understanding the concept of square roots. The square root of a number is a value that, when multiplied by itself, gives the original number.

In this case, we have the square root of 25a^2. We can split this expression into separated parts: the square root of 25 and the square root of a^2.

The square root of 25 is 5, because 5 multiplied by itself gives 25. So we have simplified the square root of 25.

Now let's consider the square root of a^2. When we take the square root of a square number, the result is the absolute value of the number itself. In this case, the square root of a^2 simplifies to just |a|.

Combining these results, we have 5 times |a|. Since |a| is equal to a when a is positive, we can write the simplified form as 5a.

Therefore, the simplified form of the square root of 25a^2 is indeed 5a, as you correctly stated.