Estimate how long it takes you to complete a task of your choice (house cleaning, mowing, etc.) in a given week. Suppose that Joe is slower than you at the given task and takes three times as long as you do. If you work together, how long would it take you to complete the task It take me only 1 hour to mow the lawn where it takes my sister 2hours, how long would it take both of us to do it together to complete the task

You have just asked two different questions in the same paragraph.

I will do the last one,
then you follow my method to do the first one.

your time for lawn is 1 hour
sister's time to do the same lawn is 2 hours

your combined rate would be lawn/1 + lawn/2 = 3/2 lawn/hour

so time working together = lawn/[lawn/(3/2)]
= 2/3 hours , (lawn will cancel)

To estimate how long it would take both you and your sister to mow the lawn together, we need to consider the rate at which each of you can complete the task.

Given that it takes you 1 hour to mow the lawn, and your sister takes 2 hours, we can determine your respective rates as follows:

- Your rate: You complete 1 lawn in 1 hour, which means you mow at a rate of 1 lawn per hour.
- Your sister's rate: She completes 1 lawn in 2 hours, which means she mows at a rate of 1/2 lawns per hour.

Now, to calculate how long it would take both of you to complete the task together, we can combine your rates:

Your combined rate: Your rate + Your sister's rate
1 lawn per hour + 1/2 lawns per hour
1.5 lawns per hour

Since you both are mowing together, your combined rate is 1.5 lawns per hour. Therefore, it would take both of you approximately 2/3 of an hour (or about 40 minutes) to mow the lawn together.