I've been given this question for the novel THE GREAT GATSBY and have been stuck on how to answer it for hours.

"Boy meets girl...boy loses girl" this novel is merely another love story. to what extentdo you share this opinion of the novel?

Im not sure how to structure the introduction or what main points i would include in the main body of the essay.

thanks in advance =)

So what do you think your main points are? Exactly what do you think? By the way, did you see any social commentary in the novel?

I can definitely help you with that! When structuring your essay and identifying the main points, there are a few steps you can follow:

1. Introduction:
- Start by introducing the novel "The Great Gatsby" and providing some background information. Mention the author, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and the general plot of the book, which revolves around Jay Gatsby's pursuit of the love of his life, Daisy Buchanan.
- Introduce the main question or statement of the essay, which is whether the novel is merely another love story or if there are additional elements that make it stand out.
- Provide a brief summary of your own opinion on the matter, mentioning whether you agree or disagree with the statement.

2. Body paragraphs:
- Dedicate each body paragraph to supporting your opinion by discussing specific aspects of the novel that go beyond being just a love story. Consider including elements like the portrayal of the American Dream, social class divisions, disillusionment, and the corruptive influence of wealth.
- For each paragraph, select a particular scene, character, or theme from the novel that supports your point. Use quotes and specific examples to back up your claims. Analyze how those elements shape the story and elevate it beyond a simple love narrative.
- Additionally, consider incorporating literary techniques and the use of symbolism in the novel. Discuss how Fitzgerald's writing style and the symbolic representations enhance the overall message and contribute to the novel's depth.

3. Conclusion:
- Summarize the main points you have discussed in the body paragraphs, emphasizing how these elements go beyond the label of a traditional love story.
- Restate your opinion on the overall question and, if applicable, mention any contrasting viewpoints that you have considered.
- Finish your conclusion with a final thought that ties everything together and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

Remember to link your ideas coherently within each paragraph, use appropriate transitions, and support your claims with evidence from the text. This structure should help you organize your thoughts and present a well-supported argument on whether "The Great Gatsby" is merely another love story. Good luck with your essay!