can anyone help me complete this...

The development of the first city-states took place not on the fertile crescent buti n a remote island to the south of the greece which was completely lacking in _________.

I looked for a remote island that was the site of the first city-states -- and found nothing.

To what island does this question refer?

it is related to ancient greece

Both Rhodes and Crete were island city-states, but lacking in I have no idea. Both were had ample fertile lands. Crete was lacking in architecturally significant buildings, certainly in the early history.

Yes, I know. But I know of no early city-state that predates Uruk in Mesopotamia. The Minoan city-state on the Greek island of Crete flourished a few hundred years later.

In addition, Crete, is hardly a remote island since it lies in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. It had plenty of fresh water, fertile land, and I know of nothing it lacked.

ooo....ok at least thanks for trying to help me...

To complete the sentence, you need to find the word that correctly fills in the blank. Let's examine the sentence and identify the information we have.

First, the sentence mentions that the development of the first city-states did not occur on the fertile crescent. This suggests that the city-states were not located in Mesopotamia, which is part of the fertile crescent encompassing present-day Iraq and parts of surrounding countries.

Instead, the sentence states that the city-states were developed on a remote island to the south of Greece. Since Greece is mentioned, it is likely that the blank refers to a characteristic or resource that Greece possessed but the remote island lacked.

To find the correct word, we need to consider the geographical characteristics and resources associated with ancient Greece. One important attribute of ancient Greece was its fertile land due to its moderate climate and suitable soil for agriculture. Therefore, the blank can be filled with a term related to arable land or fertility.

Keeping this in mind, the missing word that completes the sentence could be "arable land" or "fertility."

So, the completion of the sentence could be:

"The development of the first city-states took place not on the fertile crescent but on a remote island to the south of Greece, which was completely lacking in arable land."