Can you help write an extended metaphor comparing me to an m & m?


you are as unique as an m and m

You as sweet as an m an m

A simile compares two different things with "like" or "as."

A metaphor does not use those words.

The outsides of M&Ms are different colors, but they are all alike on the inside. M&Ms are sweet. Are you?

Why is it no one wants to get a definition any more from a good dictionary? Here's the definition but better dictionaries will even use the word in sentences for you!

Main Entry: met·a·phor
Pronunciation: 'me-t&-"for also -f&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French metaphore, from Latin metaphora, from Greek, from metapherein to transfer, from meta- + pherein to bear —more at BEAR
Date: 1533
1 : a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them (as in drowning in money); broadly : figurative language — compare SIMILE
2 : an object, activity, or idea treated as a metaphor : SYMBOL 2
- met·a·phor·ic /"me-t&-'for-ik, -'fär-/ or adjective
- met·a·phor·i·cal·ly /-i-k(&-)lE/ adverb


yes. ex. you look like a cat

um how do u write an extended metaphor

I'm tough like the shell on the outside on the inside I'm as soft as the chocolate

I'm as sweet as the chocolate

I'm cheerful like all the bright colors

Certainly! Creating an extended metaphor can be an enjoyable and creative process. To craft a metaphor comparing yourself to an M&M, you'll want to consider the characteristics and qualities of an M&M, and how they can relate to your own personality or experiences. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create this metaphor:

Step 1: Identify the qualities of an M&M:
Think about the physical appearance and attributes of an M&M. For example, M&Ms are small, colorful, and have a hard candy coating with a soft chocolate center. They are also known for being sweet and enjoyable.

Step 2: Reflect on your own characteristics:
Consider your own personality traits, experiences, or aspects of your life you want to emphasize in the metaphor. Think about how you can draw parallels between the qualities of an M&M and yourself.

Step 3: Create the metaphor:
Now, combine the qualities of an M&M with your own characteristics. Here's an example:

"I am like an M&M, with a colorful exterior that catches everyone's attention. Just like the candy coating, I present myself with a vibrant and joyful personality. But beneath that colorful shell, I have a soft center that is caring and empathetic. Just as biting into an M&M reveals its delicious chocolate core, getting to know me reveals my warmth and kindness."

Remember, extended metaphors are meant to extend beyond a single comparison and be woven throughout your writing. They provide depth and richness to your descriptions or narratives. Feel free to adapt or modify the metaphor to suit your style and individuality!

I hope this helps you create a creative and meaningful extended metaphor using an M&M as your inspiration!

isnt a metaphoring comparing to things using like or as