Create a full-sentence outline that includes effective arguments and counter arguments to support your thesis. (Note: Outline only the body of your paper.) Remember to avoid bias and fallacies and to include rhetorical devices that strengthen your writing.

Answer the following:

Where did you place the most effective arguments in your paper?
Explain your reasoning.
How did you address counter arguments without weakening your own premise?

My topic is the dangers of driving while useing a cell phone


Driving while distracted, and the use of cellphones in particular, is a primary factor in a majority of car accidents, resulting in billions in damages and thousands of injuries each year, and this dangerous behavior must be stopped

Your thesis sentence is much too long. I suggest you shorten it and repost.

To create a full-sentence outline that includes effective arguments and counterarguments, one should start by organizing the main points and supporting details.

I. Introduction
A. Background information on the dangers of distracted driving
II. The prevalence of cellphone use while driving
A. Statistics on the percentage of drivers who use cellphones
B. Examples of the consequences of using cellphones while driving
III. Primary factor in car accidents
A. Explanation of how cellphone use contributes to accidents
B. Examples of studies linking cellphone use to accidents
IV. Financial and physical damages caused by distracted driving
A. Statistical data on the cost of car accidents caused by cellphone use
B. Stories of individuals who have suffered injuries due to distracted driving
V. The moral responsibility to eliminate cellphone use while driving
A. Ethical arguments against distracted driving
B. Examples of campaigns and legislations aiming to combat distracted driving
VI. Counterargument: The importance of multitasking and hands-free devices
A. Presentation of the counterargument
B. Refutation by explaining the limitations of multitasking and hands-free devices
VII. Conclusion
A. Reinforcement of the thesis statement and main arguments
B. Call to action to prevent cellphone use while driving

The most effective arguments in this outline are placed in the IV and V sections. In section IV, the financial and physical damages caused by distracted driving are highlighted. By discussing statistical data and personal stories, it appeals to the reader's emotions and demonstrates the real-life impact of cellphone use while driving. In section V, the moral responsibility to eliminate cellphone use while driving is presented. This section appeals to the reader's sense of ethics and introduces examples of campaigns and legislations, making the argument more persuasive.

To address counterarguments without weakening the premise, it is important to acknowledge and refute them logically. In this outline, the counterargument is introduced in section VI, which argues for the importance of multitasking and hands-free devices. To address this counterargument effectively, the outline presents a refutation by explaining the limitations of multitasking and hands-free devices. By providing evidence and reasoning, the counterargument is debunked, supporting the thesis that cellphone use while driving must be stopped.