Find the exact value of the shortest distance from the origin to each line. y=x-4 is the equation of the line. When i do the problem I keep on getting 0 but that's not the answer!!! please help me.

y = x-4 does not go through the origin

to find the shortest distance from a point to a line find the line perpendicular to the given line and through the point first.
slope of perpendicular line = -1/original slope = -1/1 = -1
y = -x is our line (b = 0 because it goes through origin)
Now where does that line hit the original one?
y = x - 4
y = -x
-x = x - 4
2 x = 4
x = 2
then y = -2
Now we have two points
(0,0) and (2,-2)
what is the distance between them?
d = sqrt (2^2+(-2)^2) = sqrt 8 = 2 sqrt 2

ok, but if i were dealing with the formula ... *absolute value*Ax+By+C/over -> *square root* A^2 +B^2

Well, interesting and limited to finding distance only from origin but if you insist:

y = x - 4
write in form
1 x - 1 y - 4 =0
A = 1
B = -1
C = -4
sqrt(A^2+B^2) = sqrt 2
4/sqrt2 = (4 sqrt 2)/ 2 = 2 sqrt 2

Are you sure your formula is not just |A+B+C|/sqrt(A^2+B^2) ?

It does not make sense to find the (2,-2) point and then go to the trouble of using your formula. I have never seen (or needed) this formula.

To find the shortest distance from the origin to a line, you can use the formula for the distance between a point and a line.

For the line y = x - 4, the formula for the distance between the origin (0, 0) and a point (x, y) on the line is:

distance = |Ax + By + C| / √(A^2 + B^2)

In this case, A = 1, B = -1, and C = 4, as seen from the equation of the line, y = x - 4.

Plugging these values into the formula, we have:

distance = |1(0) + (-1)(0) + 4| / √(1^2 + (-1)^2)
= |0 - 4| / √(1 + 1)
= |-4| / √2
= 4 / √2
= 4√2 / 2
= 2√2

Therefore, the exact value of the shortest distance from the origin to the line y = x - 4 is 2√2, not 0.

its the |A+B+C|=4.. because our P.O.I was (2,-2), therefore A=1(2) + B=-1(-2) and C=-4....that makes 2+2-4.. that's 0

Now wait a minute.

If you are trying to find the distance ,d, between points P (Xp, Yp) and Q (Xq ,Yq)
distance in x = (Xq-Xp)
distance in y = (Yq-Yp)
d = hypotenuse = sqrt [(Xq-Xp)^2 +(Yq-Yp)^2 ]
here our two points are
(0,0) and (2,-2)
d = sqrt [(2-0)^2 + (-2-0)^2 ]
= sqrt (4+4)
= 2 sqrt 2

Given the line Ax + By + C = 0 and a point (a,b) not on that line, then the shortest distance from the point to the line is

|Aa + Bb + C|/√(A^2 + B^2)

the point is (0,0) and x-y-4=0
so here distance =|0 + 0 - 4|/√(1+1) = 4/√2 = 2√2 as Damon found for you

hel p