Estimate the product of $4.67 and 43.

Think 5 * 40 = ?

you need to round up or down. 4.67 goes up to 5. 43 goes down to 40. then multiply by the rounded numbers.

Round 15,516 to the nearest ten thousand?

To estimate the product of $4.67 and 43, you can round each number to a whole number and then multiply them.

Step 1: Round $4.67 to the nearest whole number.
Since $4.67 is closer to $5 than to $4, we can round it up to $5.

Step 2: Round 43 to the nearest whole number.
43 is already a whole number, so no rounding is necessary.

Step 3: Multiply the rounded numbers.
$5 * 43 = $215

Therefore, the estimated product of $4.67 and 43 is $215.