
If a dynamite of 100mL needs 3.5atm to explode, what minimum mass of
C3H5(NO3)2 do I need to put in at 25 degree celcius?

I tried to do this by finding the number of moles by the formula PV=nRT and then convert that into masss.is this correct?
if not please explain why.

Actually, it makes no sense. I wouldn't begin to try to understand it. If one is talking about the volume and pressure of the products after reaction, 25C is nonsense, as this reaction is very exothermic. I am not certain what was in the mind of the problem author, if anything at all.

my chemistry teacher just made it up. i think she wants to know how much to put in so it will explode.is there anyway to solve it even though it sounds akward?


Agreed, not a solvable problem really. Is this gaseous or liquid volume?

Also is it me or do the N atoms not balance?

Isn't it C3H5(NO3)3 ??

Your approach is correct. You can use the ideal gas law formula PV = nRT to find the number of moles of gas needed to achieve the desired pressure. Then, you can convert the number of moles into mass by using the molar mass of the compound.

To calculate the minimum mass of C3H5(NO3)2 required, you need to follow these steps:

1. Convert the given volume into the number of moles of gas:
a. The ideal gas equation can be rearranged to solve for the number of moles (n): n = PV / RT.
b. Plug in the given conditions: P = 3.5 atm, V = 100 mL (convert it to liters by dividing by 1000), T = 25 °C (convert it to Kelvin by adding 273.15), and R = 0.0821 L atm/(mol K).
c. Calculate the number of moles using the ideal gas law.

2. Determine the stoichiometry of the reaction:
a. The balanced chemical equation shows that for every 4 moles of C3H5(NO3)2, 6 moles of N2 gas are produced.
b. Use the stoichiometric ratio to convert the moles of N2 gas required to moles of C3H5(NO3)2 needed.

3. Convert the moles of C3H5(NO3)2 into mass:
a. The molar mass of C3H5(NO3)2 can be calculated by adding up the atomic masses of all the atoms in the molecule.
b. Multiply the number of moles of C3H5(NO3)2 calculated in step 2 by the molar mass to obtain the mass in grams.

Remember to always check if the calculated mass is feasible and safe to handle, as dynamite is highly explosive and dangerous.