Someone please check my answers

1.In the number 854,263,189 what number tells the number of millions.

2.Write 4x4x4x4x4 as a power of 4

3.write 684 in expanded form

4.Turner agrees to buy a boat for $2,800 down and $129 a month for 48 months. What is the total cost of the boat?


#1: correct

#2: correct
#3: im not sure but i think its incorrect
#4: incorrect
#5: correct

Turner agrees to buy a boat for $2,800 down and $129 a month for 48 months. What is the total cost of the boat?

4 in 427,083

To check your answers, we'll go through each question and explain how to obtain the correct answer.

1. To determine the number of millions in the number 854,263,189, you need to look for the digit in the millions place. In this case, it's the digit 8, so the correct answer is 8, not 4.

2. To write 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 as a power of 4, you need to count the number of times the base, which is 4 in this case, is being multiplied. Since there are five 4's being multiplied together, the correct answer is 4^5 (read as "four to the power of five").

3. To write 684 in expanded form, you need to express it as the sum of its individual place values. In this case, the expanded form is 600 + 80 + 4.

4. To calculate the total cost of the boat, you need to add the down payment to the monthly payments over the 48-month period. The down payment is $2,800, and the monthly payment is $129 for 48 months. Multiply $129 by 48 to get $6,192. Then, add the down payment to the total monthly payments: $2,800 + $6,192 = $8,992. Therefore, the correct answer is $8,992.

5. To calculate 72/8 - 9/3, you need to perform the operations according to the order of operations (also known as BEDMAS/BODMAS). First, divide 72 by 8 to get 9. Then, divide 9 by 3 to get 3. Finally, subtract 3 from 9 to get 6. Therefore, the correct answer is 6.

Remember to double-check your calculation as well to ensure accuracy.