How do I write a word problem that matches this expression:10-(2x4)?

Ben had $10.00 to spend. He bought two cups of hot chocolate at the local coffee shop. Each cup of hot chocolate cost $4.00. How much money did he have left?

To write a word problem that matches the expression "10 - (2 × 4)", we first need to understand the meaning behind the expression. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with the expression: "10 - (2 × 4)"
This expression involves subtraction and multiplication operations.

2. Perform the multiplication: 2 × 4 = 8
This gives us the value of 8.

3. Substitute the result of the multiplication: "10 - 8"
We substitute the value of 8 into the expression.

4. Perform the subtraction: 10 - 8 = 2
The final result is 2.

Now, let's construct a word problem that matches this expression:

Sara had $10 in her pocket. She spent some money every day for 4 days. Each day, she spent twice the amount she spent the previous day. How much money does she have left after 4 days?

Explanation of how to get the answer:
- Start with $10 (the initial amount in her pocket).
- On the first day, she spent 2 times the amount she spent the previous day, which is 0 because it is the first day. So, she spent $0 on the first day.
- On the second day, she spent 2 times the amount from the previous day (0), which is $0 again.
- On the third day, she spent 2 times the amount from the previous day ($0), which is $0.
- On the fourth day, she spent 2 times the amount from the previous day ($0), which is also $0.
- To find how much money she has left after 4 days, we subtract the total amount spent (0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = $0) from the initial amount ($10).
- Therefore, Sara has $10 left after 4 days.