the minimum size dance floor that the prom committee is considering is 30 by 30. they assume that this size will allow 100 couples to be on the dance floor at once. how many square feet of dance space per couple does this size allow.



30 * 30 = 900 square feet

900/100 = 9 square feet

That's a crowded dance floor with only a space 3 feet square for each couple.

To find the square feet of dance space per couple, you need to divide the total dance area by the number of couples.

The total dance area can be calculated by multiplying the length (30 ft) by the width (30 ft) of the dance floor:

Total dance area = Length * Width
= 30 ft * 30 ft
= 900 square feet

Now, divide the total dance area by the number of couples (100):

Square feet per couple = Total dance area / Number of couples
= 900 square feet / 100 couples
= 9 square feet per couple

Therefore, if the minimum size dance floor of 30 by 30 ft allows 100 couples, it provides approximately 9 square feet of dance space per couple.