How do I summarize Ben Jonson's poem "Song to Celia"?

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To summarize Ben Jonson's poem "Song to Celia," you can follow a few steps:

1. Read the poem: Start by reading the poem in its entirety to gain a full understanding of its content and themes.
2. Identify the main ideas: Identify the main ideas or messages conveyed in the poem. These can be found in the recurring themes, imagery, and tone.
3. Break it down: Break the poem into its various sections or stanzas and analyze each part individually.
4. Summarize each stanza: Write a brief summary of the main idea or meaning behind each stanza. Focus on the key images, metaphors, or symbols used.
5. Connect the stanzas: Look for connections between the stanzas and how they contribute to the overall message of the poem.
6. Write the summary: Once you have analyzed each stanza, write a concise summary that captures the essence of the poem. Include the main ideas, thematic elements, and any significant literary devices used.
7. Revise and refine: Review your summary, making sure it accurately represents the poem's content and themes. Edit for clarity and coherence.

By following these steps, you will be able to summarize Ben Jonson's poem "Song to Celia" effectively.