Locate two Web sites that utilize a mixed structure, and list their URLs.

To locate two websites that utilize a mixed structure, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for websites in your preferred search engine, such as Google.
2. Use relevant keywords or phrases to narrow down your search. In this case, you can include terms like "websites with mixed structure" or "examples of websites with mixed design."
3. Browse through the search results and look for websites that exhibit a combination of different structures, including static pages, dynamic content, multimedia elements, and interactive features.

Here are two examples of websites that utilize a mixed structure:

1. National Geographic - The official website of National Geographic (URL: www.nationalgeographic.com) incorporates a mixed structure. It combines a variety of content formats, such as articles, photo galleries, videos, interactive maps, and quizzes. This website employs both static information pages and dynamic multimedia components to engage visitors.

2. The New York Times - The website for The New York Times (URL: www.nytimes.com) also demonstrates a mixed structure. It incorporates a range of elements, including news articles, opinion pieces, videos, interactive graphics, and multimedia features. The site combines static information with dynamically updated content to deliver news and other engaging experiences to its users.

Remember, these examples are subject to change as websites may evolve over time. Therefore, it is advisable to reconfirm their structure and characteristics at the time of your search.