what does repeated multipcation and what is a number when multipied by itself gives the number plz help i need answers for monday

Any number can "do repeated multplication". The first part of your question does not make sense. Maybe you left out some words.

The number "1" is the only number that does not change when multiplied by itself.

Hello Drwis,

sorry if i made a mistake but i think that the above sentence that you posted is factually wrong. There is another number that does not change when multiplied by itself, that number is 0.

Repeated multiplication refers to the act of multiplying a number by itself multiple times. For example, 2 multiplied by 2 gives 4, 4 multiplied by 4 gives 16, and so on.

The concept you mentioned, where a number multiplied by itself gives the number, is known as the square root. The square root of a number is the value that, when multiplied by itself, gives the original number.

To find the square root of a number, you can use a few different methods:

1. Prime Factorization: This method involves factoring the number into its prime factors and then taking the square root of each factor. For example, to find the square root of 16, you can factor it as 2^4 (2 multiplied by itself four times). Now take the square root of each factor: √2^4 = 2^2 = 4.

2. Estimation: This method involves approximating the square root of a number by using trial and error. Start by taking a guess, and then square that guess. If the result is close to the original number, you're on the right track. Adjust your guess accordingly and repeat until you find a close approximation.

3. Calculator: Most calculators have a square root function. Simply enter the number you want to find the square root of and press the square root button (usually represented by a √ symbol) to get the result.

For your specific question, if you need to find the square root of a number when multiplied by itself gives the number, you need to calculate the square root. Using one of the above methods should help you find the answer.