how much time does it take for a student running t an average speed or 5.00m/s to cover a distance of 2.00km?

distance = rate x time/

Be sure that the speed(rate) and the distance are in the same units.

To find the time it takes for a student to cover a distance, you can use the formula:

time = distance / speed.

In this case, the distance is 2.00 km and the speed is 5.00 m/s. However, it is necessary to convert the distance to meters, since the speed is given in meters per second.

1 kilometer (km) = 1000 meters (m).

So, 2.00 km is equal to 2.00 x 1000 = 2000 meters.

Now we have all the information needed to calculate the time.

time = 2000 meters / 5.00 m/s = 400 seconds.

Therefore, it would take the student 400 seconds to cover a distance of 2.00 km running at an average speed of 5.00 m/s.