A science workbook is 0.75 inches thick. How many workbooks will fit on a 2-foot shelf?

what is the equation? estimation?

books = (2ft x 12in/1ft)/(0.75in/book)

To find out how many workbooks will fit on a 2-foot shelf, we need to convert the thickness of the workbook into the same unit of measurement as the shelf's length.

1 foot is equal to 12 inches, so 2 feet would be equal to 2 x 12 = 24 inches.

Now, let's divide the length of the shelf (24 inches) by the thickness of the workbook (0.75 inches) to find out how many workbooks will fit:

24 inches / 0.75 inches = 32 workbooks.

Therefore, 32 workbooks will fit on a 2-foot shelf.

As for estimation, you can round off the numbers to make the calculation easier. For example, you can estimate the thickness of the workbook to be approximately 1 inch. In that case, the calculation would be:

24 inches / 1 inch = 24 workbooks (rounded estimate).

However, it is always best to use the exact values to get the most accurate result.