-3/5 +8/35=?

7/9 -(-13/18)=




-3/5 +8/35=?

First get a common denominator; in this case it's 35.

-21/35 + 8/35 = -13/35

Try the others yourself. We'll be glad to check your answers.



is this correct?


(8/2)(-3/2)= -24/4


Right. And 3/2 = 1 1/2

Right! (4)(-3/2) = -6

ok I have -21-(-9)=-12

wouldn't -21-(-21)=0

Both are right! Great! :-)

Thank you very much!

You're very welcome! :-)

To solve the given equations, we need to perform the necessary operations. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. To add fractions with different denominators (-3/5 + 8/35), we need to find a common denominator. The least common multiple of 5 and 35 is 35. So, we can rewrite the fractions with a common denominator:
(-3/5)*(7/7) + (8/35)*(1/1) = -21/35 + 8/35
Now, we can add the numerators and keep the common denominator:
(-21 + 8)/35 = -13/35

2. To subtract fractions (-7/9 - (-13/18)), we multiply the second fraction by -1 and then follow the same steps for addition as mentioned above. So, the equation becomes:
(-7/9) + (13/18) = (-14/18) + (13/18)
Now, we can add the numerators and keep the common denominator:
(-14 + 13)/18 = -1/18

3. To multiply fractions (4)(-3/2), multiply the numerators and denominators together:
(4*-3)/(1*2) = -12/2
We can simplify this fraction by dividing the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 2:
-6/1 = -6

4. To subtract integers (-21 - (-9)), we can rewrite the equation as the sum of -21 and the opposite of -9:
-21 + 9
Now, we can add the integers together:
-21 + 9 = -12

5. To subtract integers (-21 - (-21)), we can rewrite the equation as the sum of -21 and the opposite of -21:
-21 + 21
The sum of any number and its opposite is always 0:
-21 + 21 = 0

So, the answers to the given equations are:
-3/5 + 8/35 = -13/35
7/9 - (-13/18) = -1/18
(4)(-3/2) = -6
-21 - (-9) = -12
-21 - (-21) = 0