What would happen if you placed a grape in a bowl with highly concentrated sugar water? and also i need help with this question: "Talking about osmosis, what would happen to a jellyfish placed in a freshwater lake?

Because jellyfish have more salt then the lake, it is gonna try to reach an equilibium, so it is gonna take more water from the lake and the cell will swell!!

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monosaccharide, polysaccharide

If you placed a grape in a bowl with highly concentrated sugar water, the process of osmosis would occur. Osmosis is the movement of solvent molecules (in this case, water) from an area of lower solute concentration (inside the grape) to an area of higher solute concentration (the sugar water) through a semipermeable membrane (the grape's skin).

In this scenario, the sugar water has a higher concentration of solute than the grape. As a result, water molecules from inside the grape will move outwards, trying to dilute the concentrated sugar water. As a consequence, the grape will shrink and wrinkle due to the loss of water. This is because the water is moving from an area of lower solute concentration (inside the grape) to an area of higher solute concentration (the sugar water).

Regarding your second question about a jellyfish placed in a freshwater lake, it involves the process of osmosis as well. Freshwater has a lower solute concentration compared to the body fluids of a jellyfish.

Since water always moves from an area of lower solute concentration to an area of higher solute concentration, the jellyfish would experience water moving into its body through osmosis. The freshwater would enter the jellyfish's cells, causing them to expand and potentially burst. This can be harmful or even fatal to the jellyfish. Therefore, a jellyfish placed in a freshwater lake would likely suffer from damage due to osmosis.