jack and jessica earned the same amount last wek. They both work for the same hourly rate. Jack worked 18 hours and had $42 deducted from his pay. Jessica worked 15 hours and had $18 deducted from her pay. what was each person's last week salary?


-15x -15x
+42 +42

Now, you plug the 8 to the equation.


Final Answer:Jack and Jessica both earned $102.

Jack and Jessica both earned $102

A hockey season ticket holder pays 14.56$ for her tickets plus 5.00$ for program each game. A second person pays 20.84$ for a ticket to every game but doesn’t buy programs. In how many games will they have paid the same amount?

To find the salary for each person, we need to calculate their earnings based on the number of hours worked and then subtract the deductions from their pay.

First, let's calculate Jack's earnings. Since he worked for 18 hours and had $42 deducted from his pay, we need to determine his hourly rate. To do that, we'll divide the total deduction by the number of hours worked: $42 ÷ 18 = $2.33 per hour.

Next, we can find Jack's total earnings by multiplying his hourly rate by the number of hours worked: $2.33 × 18 = $41.94.

Now, let's do the same calculations for Jessica. With 15 hours worked and $18 deducted from her pay, her hourly rate can be calculated by dividing the total deduction by the number of hours worked: $18 ÷ 15 = $1.20 per hour.

We can find Jessica's total earnings by multiplying her hourly rate by the number of hours worked: $1.20 × 15 = $18.

Therefore, Jack's last week's salary was $41.94, and Jessica's last week's salary was $18.

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