Paula mixed 2 cups of sunflower seeds and 3 cups of raisins to make a snack for a hike. she figured that the mixture would provide her with 2900 calories of food energy. Find the number of Calories per cup of raisins if it is 400 less than the number of Calories per cup of sunflower seeds. I came up with an answer of 820 caloies each cup of sunflower and 420 calories each cup of raisins but how would I write the equation?

answer is 420 calories. this is actually a 14 year old.

To write the equation, let's denote the number of calories per cup of sunflower seeds as "x". According to the problem, the number of calories per cup of raisins is 400 less than the number of calories per cup of sunflower seeds. Therefore, the number of calories per cup of raisins can be expressed as "x - 400".

We also know that Paula mixed 2 cups of sunflower seeds and 3 cups of raisins, resulting in a total of 2900 calories. To find the total number of calories, we multiply the number of cups by the respective number of calories per cup and sum them:

2 cups × x calories per cup of sunflower seeds + 3 cups × (x - 400) calories per cup of raisins = 2900 calories

Now we can solve this equation to find the value of x, which represents the number of calories per cup of sunflower seeds.

To write the equation, let's assign variables to the unknown values. Let 'x' represent the number of Calories per cup of sunflower seeds, and 'x - 400' represent the number of Calories per cup of raisins.

According to the given information, Paula mixed 2 cups of sunflower seeds and 3 cups of raisins to make a snack with a total of 2900 calories.

To calculate the total number of calories contributed by the sunflower seeds, we multiply the number of cups by the number of calories per cup:
2 cups of sunflower seeds * x calories per cup = 2x calories.

Similarly, for the raisins:
3 cups of raisins * (x - 400) calories per cup = 3(x - 400) calories.

The total number of calories from both the sunflower seeds and raisins is given as 2900 calories, so we can write the equation:
2x + 3(x - 400) = 2900.

Now, you can solve this equation to find the value of 'x' (the number of Calories per cup of sunflower seeds), and then calculate 'x - 400' to find the number of Calories per cup of raisins.