i am so lost on how to write a thesis statement, i have to write a DBQ essay by tomorow comparing rome and han china technology!! i hate this she(teacher) turned every thesis i wrote for other essays :(

First, what do you know about Rome and Han China? What opinion do you have about the comparison of these two civilizations?

If you post your ideas, we'll be glad to help you develop a thesis statement.

The first four sites here have good explanations and examples of thesis statements.


Here are some excellent sites explaining and giving examples of poor and good thesis statements:




Once you've drafted a thesis statement for your topic (including the position you are taking on your topic), please re-post, and we'll be glad to help you refine it.


well the DBQ essay is- using the documents, anaylze Han and Roman attitudes toward technology, identify one additional type of document. what confuses me is grouping the documents i no a group is more than one and they need to be related but im in the ib program and i have this class called inquiry skills that's supposed

to help me in ap world but both teachers tell me two diffrent things like one said you ca use one document in more than one group and the other said u cant? :(

prompt- Using the documents,analyze Han and Roman attitudes toward technology, identify one additional type of documents and explain briefly how it would help your analysis.

thesis?-Rome and Han china had similar attitudes regarding technology, high ranking officials think craft and tools are for the lower class, while some officials can identify the advantages in new technology.

Your thesis is a run on sentence, doesn't make much sense, and is much too broad.

Please study the websites that Writeacher and I posted for you about thesis sentences. Also, I urge you to follow our other suggestions.

i read three of the 4 websites. forth didn't work and now i understand the concept of a thesis statement but it seems my topic is befuddling. there are 8 documents 5 of them think technology or crafting tolls is for the poor and "vulgar" people while three documents recognize technolgy making as being essential to society but i cant seem to form that into a narrow main idea as the websites suggest.

Was there a difference between what the Romans and the Han thought about technology? For instance, did the Romans generally favor it as valuable to society? Did the Han look down upon technology and crafts?

I need help on this subject too!

Romans put emphasis on beauty and practicality; Han just wanted useful technology. The technology which the empire and dynasty used showed their type of economy and society. Rome- builds roads, b/c it was a plunder system, and Han-has agricultural innovations b/c it's an agricultural based economy and society.