My word is "dynamite" which has two meanings. 1)n. a powerful explosive made by soaking nitroglycerin in some absorbent, such as ammonium nitrate and wood pulp. 2)adj. outstanding, very exciting.

My question is - Which syllable receives the primary accent?

I don't understand.

Dictionaries usually show the pronunciation key before the definitions. Check this site and see if you can tell which syllable gets the primary accent? You'll may need to click on the pronunciation key link for further explanations.

To determine which syllable receives the primary accent in the word "dynamite," we need to break down the word into its individual syllables and look for specific patterns.

In this case, "dynamite" has three syllables: "dy-na-mite." Now, let's identify the primary accent using the following guidelines:

1. If a word ends in a consonant or the letter "y," the primary accent usually falls on the second-to-last syllable (penultimate syllable).

2. If a word ends in a vowel or the vowels "l" or "r," the primary accent usually falls on the last syllable (ultimate syllable).

Applying these guidelines to the word "dynamite," we see that it ends with the consonant "e." Therefore, the primary accent falls on the second-to-last syllable, which is "mite." The primary accent is placed on the "mite" syllable.

In other words, the primary accent in the word "dynamite" is on the second syllable, pronounced as "DYE-nuh-mite."