how do I figure ou this answer?

Jess say's the square of the sum of 17 plus some number will equal his mother's age squared. If jess' mother's age squared is 2209, what number must be used to make the equation true?

Write the equations and solve them.

Let the "some number" be x. Let his mother's age be y.
(17 + x)^2 = y^2
y^2 = 2209

Hint: the square root of 2209 is 47. So you can eliminate y as an unkown.

You will be left with a quadratic equation to solve. Use the usual methods. me

about this common monomial factor.
how to solve it,and how can i use the short method.
thank you. :)

Please post your question separately using "Post a New Question" and explai: * what monomial factor you are talking about,

* why it is "common" and
* what the "it" is that you are trying to solve.

To figure out the missing number in the equation, we first need to understand the problem. Jess says that the square of the sum of 17 plus some number is equal to his mother's age squared, which is given as 2209.

Let's break down the problem and find a solution step-by-step.

1. Start by representing the unknown number with a variable. Let's call it "x." So, the sum of 17 plus x can be represented as (17 + x).

2. The problem states that the square of the sum of 17 plus x is equal to Jess' mother's age squared, which is given as 2209. This can be written as the equation: (17 + x)^2 = 2209.

3. Now that we have the equation, we can solve it to find the value of x. To do this, we need to use the concept of square roots.

4. Take the square root of both sides of the equation to eliminate the square. We get: √[(17 + x)^2] = √2209.

5. Simplify the equation by expanding the square on the left side: (17 + x) = 47.

6. Now, solve for x by subtracting 17 from both sides of the equation: x = 47 - 17.

7. Simplify the equation further: x = 30.

Therefore, the missing number needed to make the equation true is 30.