Trying to help son w/math. Mom needs help please! translate the statement. (The product of a number increased by 10 and 4 is 22)

(x+10)(4) = 22

4x + 40 = 22

4x = 22-40
x = -4.5

the number increased by 10 is -4.5+10 = 5.5

and 4x5.5 = 22

Oh my-Ty REINY! He gets it now-lol I don't but....I am so glad I found this site. Very much appreciated! I would've been awake all night trying to figure it out.

Of course! I'd be happy to help you with that math problem.

To translate the statement "(The product of a number increased by 10 and 4 is 22)" into a mathematical expression, we can follow these steps:

1. Identify the unknown number in the problem. Let's call it "x". So, the unknown number is "x".

2. We are asked to find the product of a number increased by 10 and 4, which means multiplying two quantities: (x + 10) and 4.

3. According to the problem, the product of (x + 10) and 4 is equal to 22. So, we can write the equation as: 4 * (x + 10) = 22.

Now, we can solve this equation to find the value of "x". Here's how:

To get rid of the 4 multiplied by (x + 10), we can divide both sides of the equation by 4:
(4 * (x + 10))/4 = 22/4
x + 10 = 5

Next, we isolate the variable "x" by subtracting 10 from both sides of the equation:
(x + 10) - 10 = 5 - 10
x = -5

Therefore, the unknown number in the problem is -5.