Can someone explain the post revolutionary politics for ushistory- what happened republicanism? feminism? forming new governments? or send me several links? but id prefer a summary


The Republican party was not formed until 1854. On that subject, see

Fot early information about feminism, readi biographies of the early feminists, Susan B. Anthony, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.

New governments are formed in the USA every two years when congressional elections occur.

Certainly! Following the American Revolution, there were significant developments in post-revolutionary politics. Here is a brief summary of a few key aspects:

1. Republicanism: The concept of republicanism became prominent during this period, emphasizing the idea of representative government and a rejection of monarchical rule. The new American republic sought to establish a government based on the principles of popular sovereignty, where power resided with the people.

2. Feminism: Although the revolutionary period did not immediately lead to substantial advancements in women's rights, it did lay the foundation for the emergence of feminism. Women played important roles during the revolution, contributing to the cause of independence. This created space for discussions and debates on women's rights and their role in society, which eventually led to the early women's rights movement.

3. Forming new governments: After the American Revolution, the newly independent colonies faced the challenge of creating stable and effective governments. The Articles of Confederation was initially adopted as the governing document. However, due to its weaknesses and inability to address key issues, such as economic instability, it was replaced by the United States Constitution in 1787. The Constitution established a more centralized and robust federal government.

For more detailed information, here are a few reputable online resources you can explore:

1. National Park Service - "Revolutionary War and Early Republic":
- Website:

2. Khan Academy - "The American Revolution":
- Website:

3. U.S. - "The American Revolution":
- Website:

Remember to evaluate the sources you come across to ensure their credibility. Happy learning!