how could you use the product 108 and 4 to find the product of 324 and 4?

108 x 3 x 4 = 1296

324 = 108 x 3


324 = 3 * 108

Does that give you a hint?

what is the rest of the problem?

how could you use the product of 108 and 4 to find the product of 324 and 4

That is easy ;-) ;O)

How could you use the product of 108 and 4 to find the product of 324 and 4

To find the product of 324 and 4 using the product of 108 and 4, you can use the concept of equivalence.

First, let's find the ratio between 324 and 108. Divide 324 by 108:

324 ÷ 108 = 3

This means that 324 is 3 times larger than 108.

Next, apply the same ratio to the other number, 4. Multiply 4 by 3:

4 × 3 = 12

So, the product of 324 and 4 can be found by multiplying the product of 108 and 4 by 3:

324 × 4 = (108 × 4) × 3 = 432 × 3 = 1296

Therefore, the product of 324 and 4 is 1296.