A cheetah is 300 feet from its prey. It starts to sprint toward its prey at 90 feet per second. At the same time the prey starts to sprint at 70 feet per second. When will the the cheetah catch the prey?

Can you please provide an explantaion?

This has nothing to do with weighted average.

They run the same time, and the cheeta runs 300 feet further.
prey distance=70t
but preydistance = cheetadistance-300
70t=90t-300, right?

How many quarts of pure orange juice should Mike add to a 10% orange drink to create 6 quarts of 40 % orange mix juice. Let p represent the number of quarts of pure ornage juice he should add to the orange drink.

To determine when the cheetah catches the prey, we need to find the time it takes for the cheetah to cover the distance between them.

First, let's find the relative speed between the cheetah and the prey. We subtract the prey's speed from the cheetah's speed:

Relative speed = Cheetah's speed - Prey's speed
= 90 feet per second - 70 feet per second
= 20 feet per second

Now, since we know the distance the cheetah needs to cover is 300 feet and its relative speed is 20 feet per second, we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

Time = 300 feet / 20 feet per second
Time = 15 seconds

Therefore, it will take the cheetah 15 seconds to catch the prey.