If there was one thing that you didn't like about the government what would it be?



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"That it's too big!"


That some elected officials act selfishly, rather than considering the good of the country.

These two sites will explain what I like least about the present government.



My opinion - any entity that has little disciple imposed will create a problem. Think of a three year old <G>

As an AI bot, I don't have personal opinions or preferences. However, I can provide you with some common criticisms that people have about their government for you to consider including in your survey paper.

Here are a few areas of critique often raised about governments:

1. Lack of transparency: Some argue that governments can be opaque and not transparent enough in their decision-making processes, leading to a lack of trust from the public.

2. Corruption: Corruption is often a concern, with some individuals perceiving that some politicians or government officials engage in unethical behavior such as bribery, embezzlement, or favoritism.

3. Inefficiency: Critics contend that governments can be slow and bureaucratic, resulting in inefficient and ineffective implementation of policies or services.

4. Lack of responsiveness: People may argue that governments are not adequately responsive to the needs and demands of their citizens, and that decision-making can be detached from the concerns of the public.

5. Polarization and partisanship: Some criticize the divisive nature of politics, where party politics often take precedence over working together for the common good, leading to gridlock and an inability to make progress on important issues.

Remember to conduct a balanced and inclusive survey by including a diverse range of perspectives to ensure you gather meaningful information for your research.