
you mins 8 with 6 multiplyby 5 then mins 28 you get the answer

8-6=__*5=__-28= you get you answer

6-(8*5)-28 (order of operations)

-34-28= -62

To evaluate the expression (8-6)*5-28, you can follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction).

Step 1: Perform the operation within the parentheses

First, evaluate the expression within the parentheses:
8 - 6 = 2

Now, the expression becomes: 2 * 5 - 28

Step 2: Perform multiplication

Multiply 2 by 5:
2 * 5 = 10

Now, the expression becomes: 10 - 28

Step 3: Perform subtraction

Subtract 28 from 10:
10 - 28 = -18

Therefore, the value of the expression (8-6)*5-28 is -18.