for my math project I have to know how much mass is in a superball. . . .


To find out the mass of a superball, we need to know its density and volume. The density is the mass per unit volume, and the volume is the amount of space the object occupies.

Unfortunately, the density and volume of a superball is not provided in your question. However, I can still guide you on how to find the mass if you have this information.

1. If you have the density of the superball (in kilograms per cubic meter or g/cm³), you can use the equation:

Mass = Density × Volume

You will need to convert the density to the appropriate units based on the volume measurement you have. For example, if the volume is given in cubic centimeters (cm³) and the density is in kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m³), you will need to convert the density to grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm³) by dividing it by 1000.

2. If you have the volume of the superball (in cubic meters or cubic centimeters), but not the density, you won't be able to find the mass without additional information. In this case, you might need to conduct an experiment to measure the mass or find the density of a similar object and assume they are similar.

Remember, for accurate results, make sure to use the appropriate units and ensure the density and volume measurements are for the same object.