what is a terrestrial resource issue?

or what do they mean

Terrestrial resources are things that the Earth provides that society needs, like clean water, land suitable for agriculture, fuels such as petroleum and coal, and metal ores. Issues are problems like shortages, global warming or pollution, in this case

Terrestrial means on land.

Terrestrial resource issues include:

depletion of gas and oil
desertification of some areas because of drought
overgrazing of some marginal areas

can it be air pollution?


A terrestrial resource issue refers to a problem or concern related to the use, management, or availability of resources found on Earth's land surface. These resources can include various natural resources such as minerals, forests, freshwater, wildlife, and agricultural land. Terrestrial resource issues arise due to factors such as overexploitation, environmental degradation, population growth, unsustainable practices, and climate change impacts.

To gain a deeper understanding of terrestrial resource issues, you can follow these steps:

1. Research and gather information: Start by conducting online research or consulting reliable sources such as scientific articles, government reports, or environmental organizations' websites. These sources often provide in-depth analysis and information on specific terrestrial resource issues.

2. Select a specific issue: Terrestrial resource issues can be broad and encompassing, so it helps to narrow down your focus. Choose a particular issue that interests you, such as deforestation, water scarcity, soil erosion, pollution, or loss of biodiversity.

3. Explore causes and consequences: Investigate the factors that contribute to the chosen issue. Look for both human-driven causes, such as unsustainable agricultural practices or urbanization, and natural factors, like extreme weather events or geological processes. Examine the consequences of these issues, such as habitat loss, species extinction, water pollution, or reduced agricultural productivity.

4. Analyze impacts and solutions: Study the impacts of the issue on both the environment and human societies. Assess the ecological, economic, and social repercussions. Explore potential solutions and strategies to mitigate or address the problem, such as sustainable resource management, conservation efforts, policy changes, or technological innovations.

5. Stay informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest research, news, and developments related to terrestrial resource issues. Follow scientific journals, news outlets, or subscribe to newsletters from environmental organizations to stay informed about ongoing initiatives and advancements in the field.

Remember, terrestrial resource issues are complex and multifaceted, so it's important to approach the topic with an open mind and consider various perspectives and sources of information.