how do you tell what compatible numbers you would use and theh add example $2.75+$5.35

I never heard of "compatible numbers".

Just add them, keep the decimal point in the same place, and you get $8.10

the answer is 8.10 you get this because if yo add.05+.05 it would =.10 so you carry the 1 to the tenths place and then add .70+.30 and then add .10 because that is the answer for the hunthenths place and then it would be.10. Then you add 2+5 then add .10 and you wouled get 8.10

Compatible numbers are numbers that are easy to compute mentally

tell what compatible numbers you would use.then add





answer: 400

What is your question Anonymous? What it looks like is that you rounded. 300+100 = 400 is correct.

Compatible 67+ 119

Tell what compatible numbers you would use then add 419+263


To determine compatible numbers for addition, you can round the numbers to their nearest tens, hundreds, or thousands, depending on the level of approximation you desire. Compatible numbers are usually easier to work with because they make mental calculations simpler and provide a close estimate of the actual sum.

Let's use the example you provided: $2.75 + $5.35.

Step 1: Identify the compatible numbers.
For this example, we can round $2.75 to $3.00 and $5.35 to $5.00. Both of these rounded numbers are whole dollars, which makes them compatible for addition.

Step 2: Perform the addition.
Add $3.00 and $5.00: $3.00 + $5.00 = $8.00.

Step 3: Evaluate the estimate.
By using compatible numbers, the sum is estimated to be $8.00.

Please note that this estimate may not be equal to the actual sum but should be relatively close.

If you want the exact sum, you can use the original numbers, $2.75 + $5.35, and perform the addition to get $8.10.