I am on the chapter for Oligopoly in my economic book.

I have the following question:

Define Nash equilibrium. What is the Nash equilbrium for trade policy?

I can define the Nash equilbrium. The Nash equilibrium is a situation in which economic actors interacting with one another each choose their best strategy given the stategies that all the other actors have chosen.

I am not clear on the second part of the question. What is the Nash Equilbrium for trade? The book does not state a Nash equilibrium for trade polocy.

Since in trade there would be many actors. I am not sure how to answer this part to the question?

The Nash equilibrium is that the best strategy for trade has been chosen given all the other countries have adopted a trade policy.


To determine the Nash equilibrium for trade policy, you need to consider the strategies and actions of the various actors involved in international trade. Though your book may not explicitly state a specific Nash equilibrium for trade policy, we can still discuss how to analyze this situation.

First, identify the different actors in the trade policy scenario. This may include countries, governments, industries, or even individual firms. Each actor has its own strategic options or choices when it comes to trade policy.

Next, consider the objectives or goals of these actors. Different actors might have different interests and priorities. For example, one country may aim to protect its domestic industries, while another country may focus on maximizing export opportunities.

Now, determine the possible strategies or actions that each actor can take regarding trade policy. This could include implementing import tariffs, export subsidies, or trade agreements.

Once you have identified the possible strategies for each actor, you need to analyze their interactions. Consider how the choices made by one actor affect the choices available to others. This analysis encompasses the concept of strategic interdependence, which is key to understanding the Nash equilibrium.

In the context of trade policy, the Nash equilibrium represents a situation where no actor can unilaterally improve its position by changing its strategy, given the strategies chosen by all other actors. It is a stable outcome where all actors are effectively responding to each other's choices.

To find the Nash equilibrium for trade policy, you would need to analyze the potential strategies and actions of all actors involved, and determine if there is a set of choices where no actor has an incentive to deviate from their current strategy. This equilibrium could involve a variety of trade policies, such as free trade, protectionism, or negotiated trade agreements.

Since the specifics of the trade policy scenario are not provided, it's challenging to give a more precise answer. However, by applying the concept of the Nash equilibrium and considering the strategic interactions of the relevant actors, you can analyze and determine the Nash equilibrium for trade policy in a given context.