Some students in my class are very reluctant to speak up in class discussion. What ways could I make them talk but not in an imitidating way? What activities could I do to make sure everyone gets a chance to participate in a discussion topic?

1. Videotape yourself, then review the tape with several EXPERIENCED teachers to make certain you are not the one doing the intimidating.

2. Small groups are a nice way to get kids to talk.
I don't have a clue what age these students are, so specifics I can't address. If you reveal the age of the students, perhaps we can add more. The two listed points will help you get started.

Encouraging participation in class discussions can be a helpful way to create an inclusive learning environment. Here are a few strategies and activities to make students feel more comfortable and ensure everyone has a chance to contribute:

1. Icebreaker activities: Start the class with low-pressure, non-academic icebreaker activities. These can help students get to know each other and feel more at ease. For example, you could ask each student to share a fun fact about themselves or discuss their favorite book/movie.

2. Think-pair-share: Divide students into pairs or small groups to discuss the topic or question. This provides an opportunity for students to share their ideas in a more comfortable setting before contributing to the larger class discussion.

3. Write down thoughts: Provide students with a few minutes to individually write down their thoughts on the topic before sharing with the class. This allows them to gather their ideas and boosts their confidence when expressing them.

4. Randomized participation: Rather than calling on students individually, use a randomizer tool or index cards with student names written on them to select who will contribute. This way, students won't feel singled out, and it gives everyone an equal opportunity to participate.

5. Structured discussions: Provide a clear structure for the discussion, such as using a round-robin format where each student takes turns sharing their thoughts. This ensures that everyone has an equal chance to participate and reduces the pressure on individual students.

6. Respectful environment: Establish a safe and respectful environment where everyone's ideas and opinions are valued. Emphasize the importance of active listening and constructive feedback, ensuring that students feel supported when sharing their thoughts.

Remember, creating a comfortable environment for student participation takes time. Be patient, encourage collaboration, and celebrate each student's contribution. Gradually, as students become more comfortable, their reluctance to participate will likely diminish.