For each speed, find how much time it will take the students to reach these cities on their route:

1. Atlantic City, New Jersey, about 320 miles from Norfolk.

2. Baltimore, Maryland, about 3/4 of the way from Norfolk to Atlantic.

You didn't list any speeds.

distance = speed x time.

its a challenge question..

It would be a real challenge for me to know how long it would take to drive 320 miles without knowing how fast I could drive. :)

To calculate the time it will take the students to reach these cities on their route, we need to know the speed at which they will be traveling. Let's assume the speed is given in miles per hour (mph).

1. To find the time it will take to reach Atlantic City:

Given: Distance from Norfolk to Atlantic City = 320 miles

Formula: Time = Distance / Speed

Let's say the speed is S mph.

Time taken = 320 miles / S mph

To get the answer, you need to divide the distance (320 miles) by the speed (S mph).

2. To find the time it will take to reach Baltimore, which is about 3/4 of the way from Norfolk to Atlantic City:

Given: Distance from Norfolk to Atlantic City = 320 miles
Distance from Norfolk to Baltimore = 3/4 * 320 miles

Formula: Time = Distance / Speed

Let's say the speed is S mph.

Time taken = (3/4 * 320 miles) / S mph

To get the answer, you need to multiply 3/4 by the distance from Norfolk to Atlantic City (320 miles), and then divide by the speed (S mph).

Please provide the value of the speed, and I can calculate the time it will take to reach these cities.