Are there certain health care benefits you feel should not be covered by Medicare or Medicaid?

No. All necessary health care should be covered by Medicare and Medicaid.

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions or feelings. However, I can provide you with information on common viewpoints regarding health care benefits covered by Medicare or Medicaid.

Opinions on which health care benefits should or should not be covered by Medicare or Medicaid can vary among individuals, policymakers, and healthcare providers. Here are a few common perspectives:

1. Cost-effectiveness: Some argue that certain health care benefits should not be covered if they are not deemed cost-effective or if the cost outweighs the potential benefits. In this view, coverage should prioritize treatments with proven effectiveness and those that provide the most value for money.

2. Limited resources: Given the finite resources available for healthcare, some believe that Medicare and Medicaid should focus on essential health care services that are necessary for maintaining individual health and well-being. This perspective suggests allocating resources where they are most needed and targeting coverage towards critical conditions.

3. Personal responsibility: Some argue that individuals should take more personal responsibility for their health care costs, and therefore, certain elective or non-essential treatments or services should not be covered. Supporters of this view believe that individuals should be responsible for paying for services that are discretionary or primarily for cosmetic purposes.

4. Comprehensive coverage: On the other hand, many argue for comprehensive coverage under Medicare and Medicaid, making the case that having access to a wide range of health care benefits promotes overall well-being and equitable healthcare for all individuals, regardless of their economic status.

It is important to note that these are broad perspectives, and individual opinions may vary significantly. Ultimately, determining what health care benefits should or should not be covered by Medicare or Medicaid is a complex and controversial issue, requiring consideration of factors such as cost, effectiveness, public priorities, and societal values. The decision-making process involves input from policymakers, healthcare professionals, and the public.